Sunday, August 10, 2008

My golfing history...

hi all,

I have been playing golf for almost 7 years. I began my adverture in 2001, where my boss and boss's boss plays quite regulary. Like many other typical salaried worker, I though picking up golf will definately help develop relationship with "upper" people and thus bigger paycheck.

Finally decided to engauge a golf coach!

July 11th. this is my first "trial" lesson.

I was full of apprehension. I don't know what my coach will say once he sees my swing. I have a feeling he will just slap his palm on his forehead and charge me 30% more. I told my golfing buddy that today will be the start of his long and painful night mare.

Why? Because I have been play for 7 years and I cannot hit a 7 iron at 100m for nuts! the accuracy was like 50%! I either top the ball or hit the ground before my club touch the ball.

Other problems

About the coach

after my few swings

He told me my swing generally was ok! what a relieve! But he want to work on 3 areas (he always makes a point to tell student only 3 areas that they need to work on so people like me wont go nuts trying to remember too many things).

Areas of improvement 1
to extend my arms further behind. I was placing my club too close to me at my up swing. once your club is too close to your body, you tend to do "casting" (a term the pros used to describe and outside in movement). Which was what I was doing!

Area of improvement 2
To tuck in my right elbow during the downswing. The aim is bring the clubs "closer" to my body thus ensuring I have a in-to-out swing path. This parts is hard for my, so I am so use to "not tucking".

Area of improvement 3
-Make sure I do not "flip" my wrist after impact. I think this is very important as all pros you see in magazine always show the hand ahead of the ball at impact. You must get into a position that you can squeeze the ball with your club and the floor. Meaning you should see a divot AFTER the ball. this will improve the distance and accuracy.

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I am a bit late to start blogging but like what other say..better be late then never!